What is on page SEO


What Is On-Page SEO?

For a website to show on the first page of search results, it must comply with various requirements. While all the top-ranking websites will have their distinct design and layout, the elements contributing to their successful SEO strategy are standardized and referred to as On-Site SEO.

Examples of on-page SEO factors.

What Is the Difference Between On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

Difference between on-page and off-page SEO.

The signals sent from your website are not the only contributors to your online presence and ranking. Search engines also rely on signals sent from other pages mentioning and linking to your site, including local listings, websites, blogs, social media pages, influencers, among others.

Google recognizes these external mentions, known as Off-Page SEO, contribute to your site’s credibility, rewarding your presence with a higher position on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Why Is On-Site SEO Important?

Every year Google’s algorithm becomes smarter at understanding users’ intent, crawling sites to understand the content shared, and delivering the right search results. As such, page optimization has become paramount for any site to rank.

On-page SEO is essential because it ensures your website sends the right signals to Google’s bugs as they search for the best sites they can show to meet users’ search queries. Adapting your content, images, speed, mobile experience, and meta titles and descriptions according to the latest best practices will help your site’s local ranking

Which On-Page SEO Ranking Factors Does Google Analyze?

There are over 200 ranking factors Google uses in its algorithm – that’s quite a lot! – and there’s no way to know them all because Google has never revealed a detailed list. However, many SEO experts and analysis platforms have the most common ranking factors they have detected based on historical data.

Some of those factors are visible to users, and others are elements added in the back-end of your site. Meaning that, they are only visible to web developers and search engines, including:

  • Keyword insertion
  • Headings and subheadings
  • External (outband) and internal (inbound) links
  • URL optimization 
  • Meta title and meta description
  • Content quality
  • Images
  • Page speed 
  • Mobile friendly page
  • Voice search SEO

How Long Does It Take for Google to Rank Your Page?

Google takes four days to a few weeks to crawl and rank your website. However, your site will be visible right after you publish it. This search engine will consider all its ranking factors, including your site popularity, whether the content is crawlable, and your overall site structure.

As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, various external and internal factors affect your website ranking and the length of time it takes your site to be on the first page of the search results. Do you want to learn more? Click here to know how long SEO takes to work


SEO is a never-ending process and topic. Many questions are left unanswered with Google constantly updating its search algorithm and not disclosing all of its ranking factors. However, many experts rely on the ranking factors we mentioned before to rank their sites, and it has worked!

This is another example of how important historical data is for marketers to predict behavior. On-page SEO it’s all about that: using data to know what Google expects from your website and adapting it accordingly. 

In addition, on-site SEO is about sending the right signals to search engines and creating user-friendly websites. Search engines can easily detect when a site isn’t designed, written, or developed with users’ in mind. They will penalize you for that. 

If you want to learn more about the best practices and strategies for a successful on-site SEO campaign, subscribe to our newsletter to receive our tips ‘n tricks straight to your inbox. Also, feel free to contact us should you have questions about your current online presence.


Francis Espinoza
Article by Francis Espinoza

Francis is a Social Media Manager here at Olly Olly. Born and currently based in Nicaragua, her professional background and passion are all things inbound marketing. Like what you read? Send Francis a message here.